Saturday, May 31, 2014

Vintage Print Ads: Dates Unknown



I am unsure of the exact dates, but I would think the top ad is from sometime between 1982 and 1983. The lower ad I would guess '78-'80. I do like the layout of the house in the upper ad. 
Every time I go on to Pinterest I find yet another print ad!:


  1. The top ad is from 1979. That's the year Kissing Barbie and Kissing Christie were sold. The Lindsey and Barbie ad is from 1983; that's the year My First Barbie in the pink checks and Dream Date Barbie were sold. World of Fashion and Fun is 1980--the year for Beauty Secrets Barbie. Tracy and Todd and McDonald's were sold in 1983.
    Now for my other comment. You had written to me several years ago about replacing windows in the 1978 Dream House. This summer and autumn I had my chance to finally do it! You can read about it in my blog at The link is to the first article; there are two more after that.
    Thank you so much for your advice.

    1. Hi skippercollector! Thanks so much for the ad details and link. The site is amazing and the house looks great. You certainly know your stuff. =-) If you'd like me to list your site on mine let me know.
