Saturday, November 3, 2012

Other Products: 1978 A Frame DreamHouse Birthday Party Centerpiece

I wasnt too interested in the Birthday center piece until taking a closer look I realized that it is perhaps the best artist's rendering we have to go on for the ideal life activities that allegedly went on in our A  Frames ( I know, run on sentence again!). It does conjure up warm and fuzzy memories for me of that bygone decade-the 1970's. I dont remember much, but it was a wholesome, happy time for me. Macramé suspended houseplants, peasant dresses, plaid, lots of baking, wildly patterned wallpaper, folksy music, groovy comfortable seating, big boxy brown cars, stained glass windows with wood accent wall paneling, tanned shoulders covered by yarn shawls, and just being young and carefree!

It must have been a popular set in it's day to have a Colorforms AND paper doll house made about it.

Great shot of the fashion, decor and characters associated with this house. 

Houseplants, house plants and cooking! Well isn't that special! 

Guess what? MORE houseplants, and a doormat. Yipeee. 

Cant figure out for the life of me what room this is. I guess its supposed to be split in two as there are gardening supplies on the left and what could be a bedroom or hallway on the right. 

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