
Monday, September 10, 2018

Take Inventory and Stage Your Home Using the Original Brochure

Fans have asked, and here it is, the original scanned brochure pictures of the 1977 Dream Furniture line.

To enlarge, click on the photos to expand them and see greater detail. For better inventory taking purposes, viewing the original instructions as best, I have a few and will scan when time permits, but they are on google or ebay as well. 

Different versions of the box show either the closet door mirrors facing out or in. That is a personal choice, I chose to have mine facing in, one it adds a nice little surprise when opening the doors, and two, thats how I did the mirror on the inside of my real closet door. Since the long pegs are supposed to be on top, if the stickers are already applied, the choice is made, but if you are adding new ones, then decide before applying. 

Presently, I have my A Frame staged with 3 extra floor pieces (the ones I got for $18 total on ebay awhile back), the yellow 'Vette, some dollar store cacti and two MGA Bratz World Mansion palm trees. I was collecting the World Mansions for awhile a few years ago. I also collect He Man (See MOTUC figures), the houses, when painted, made a great "Palace of Eternia" or "Crystal Palace" for She Ra. In 2015 you could get them for about $65-$125 dollars each, now they are not on ebay and are on amazon for $450. I would upgrade them by using lots of custom painting, window panels, floor panels, and contact papering the floors and ceiling. Overall, a great effect. Anyway, the palm trees are total Socal fab, so I use these for the A Frame now. Having the extra floor pieces works better than just having the triangle sections because then there is a full size patio or driveway outside to stage a complete area and it is not cramped up. I like having mine in the window so the light filters through it during the day.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing so much of your information. It has been very helpful. I have collected vintage Barbies for a long time but recently picked up a very nice red/yellow a-frame in the box with several booklets, cardboard box inserts, etc. I then ran across the pink version a few weeks later. So I’m learning a lot here.
